How to use Answers

Answers is a new feature that makes it easy for anyone at your organization to ask specific questions about your data and get narrative answers, supported by data sources, customer verbatims and visuals.

Accessing Answers

You can access Answers from multiple places within the product, so you can integrate it into your current ways of working:

  1. From the nav bar at the top:

  1. From the side bar of the welcome page:

  1. From the Dashboard:

  1. From the Analysis tool:

Asking a question

From the `Answers’ page, you can start asking a question by clicking on any of the suggested questions at the top, or typing your own question on the form below:

To help refine your question, select the relevant filter/s and data set related to your question. You can also select up to 10 data sets for your question, but you will not be able to use the filters.

Note: Make sure you have the right dataset(s) selected before asking a question, so Thematic knows where to look. If you want to know more about the types of questions that Answers supports, visit this help article.

Understanding an answer

After an answer is generated for you, there are a few options that you could take from here:

  1. Rate the quality of the answer by clicking the thumbs up or down button.
  2. Copy the answer by clicking the copy button.
  3. Deep dive on a theme related to that answer, by clicking on any of the hyperlinks within the answer.
  4. See a graph or table of the answer, so you can visualize the count or percentage of responses that went into generating the answer by clicking on the `Add a visualization` button.
  5. See the example comments related to the answer by clicking on the `Show examples` button.
  6. Generate top 3-5 suggestions based on that answer by clicking on the `Create suggestions` button.
  7. See the volume of comments that the answer was generated from by clicking on the `Used data` link.

Note: Some options may not be available for your specific question, so keep this in mind while reviewing the answers.

You can also ask a follow-up question on the form below, or ask a new question from the left-hand panel.

Rating answers

After clicking the thumbs up or down button, you will be asked to provide more details on why you rated the answer good or poor. While this is optional, this is particularly useful for us when collecting feedback to help improve the quality of the answers generated.

Copying answers

For all of these answers, you can click on 'Copy answer to clipboard' to copy the text or table. Then, paste it wherever needed to quickly capture and share this information.

Theme deep dives

Clicking any highlighted phrase within the answer will generate another answer. This is particularly helpful if you want to explore a theme related to your previous answer, so you can navigate through your data for deeper analysis more efficiently. After another answer is generated, you will have the similar options as above to inspect this answer.

Adding a visualization

Clicking the `Add a visualization` button gives you the option to see a visualization (chart) or table of the top 6 themes, along with the count or percentage of responses that went into generating the answer.

Showing example comments

Clicking the `Show examples` button will show the comments that are relevant to the answer provided.

When reviewing a large set of comments, you can pin the most relevant ones and filter them using the 'Pinned' toggle button. This feature is particularly useful too if you plan to share your answer later, as you can direct your recipient/s to the pinned comments.

Creating suggestions

Clicking the `Create suggestions` button will show the top 3-5 suggestions that are most relevant to the answer provided.

Note: Thematic has provided these suggestions by analyzing your data's context. However, it's important to note that these suggestions may not perfectly align with your specific business context or be entirely feasible to implement.

If you want to know more about using generative AI at Thematic responsibly, visit this help article

Checking data used

When you click on the 'Used data' link, you'll be able to see:

1. The data set/s: This shows the specific data sets that were used.

2. Filter/s: Any criteria or filters applied to the data set.

3. Volume of sentences: The number of sentences from the sample that were used in generating the answer.

4. A button to the Feedback tab: This button takes you directly to the Feedback tab in the Analysis tool. Here, you can see all the feedback that was utilized in generating the answer.

Saved answers

All your questions and answers are saved on the left-hand panel of the page, so you can refer back to them in case you need to. From here, you can see the data set/s that were used in generating the answers and options to rename or delete this saved answer. You can also search for words or phrases contained in your saved answers and get results. Clicking on one of the saved answers will take you back to that session. By default, your saved answers are named after the first question that was asked, but you can rename this from the left-hand panel of the page or in-line by hovering on the title and clicking on the pencil icon beside it.

Check out this help article to know more about sharing a saved answer

Each part of the answer will also have a timestamp against it, so you know when they were generated. Clicking on the `Update answer` button will let you refresh the data that you are looking at.