How to share Saved Answers

Sharing Answers

In Answers, you have a couple of ways to share an answer with anyone else in your organization who has access to your Thematic account:

  1. From your saved answers list on the left-hand side of Answers page:

  1. From the `Share` button on the Answers page as you’re working on your question:

From here, you can choose if you want your answer to be shared or not. Note that answers are not shareable by default.

Clicking on the `Copy link` button allows you to copy a link going to your answer, which you can share with anyone else in your organization who has access to your Thematic account.

Viewing a Shared Answer

When viewing someone else’s saved answer, you can only copy parts of the answer but not edit or share this answer.

To continue delving deeper into a shared answer, you can copy a saved answer into your own list of saved answers by clicking the `Duplicate answer` button at the bottom of the answer. Here, you’ll find the name of the person who created the answer also.

Note that you can only duplicate an answer if you have access to Answers and the dataset/s selected on the shared answer.