Thematic data formats best practises
Thematic can accept uploaded .xlsx and .csv files. Please make sure your file is structured with a header and each row contains one data record, like this:
- Your file can contain multiple free text columns for analysis.
- Your file can contain additional metadata columns eg. response date, NPS or location
- If you have a column you'd like to be treated as a score, include it as a number for faster processing
- For NPS send the numeric score (0-10) instead of the buckets (e.g. Detractor, Passive, Promoter).
- Avoid merged cells or multiple header rows, as they will cause errors in processing.
- If you're uploading an Excel file, the data you wish to analyze must be in the first sheet.
How to prevent data corruption
Opening a file in Excel has been known to cause issues with foreign characters and date formats. If at all possible avoid opening and saving a file in Excel before sending it to Thematic. If your file needs basic modification talk to your contact at Thematic to see if we can automate the edits for you.
Future uploads
Thematic can automatically load new data if it
- Exactly matches the initially uploaded data (Identical column order or header names)
- Has unique ID column(s) configured
If your dataset requires future uploads talk to your contact at Thematic to coordinate. If your file format needs to change let your contact know in advance to reduce turn around time.