Conversational Analytics

Conversational Analytics is a new and improved feature within the Analysis tool that gives you summarized insights, along with automated scores and conversation references, so you can save time on manual analysis of contact center conversations.

Note: This feature is currently in beta. Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager if you are interested in getting access.

Conversation Summaries

When looking at your conversational data, you can see a summary of each conversation, so you can review each conversation quickly. The summaries contain information on what the conversation was about, the key details and if it was resolved or not. The insights from these summaries are mapped to your themes and the original conversation threads for context.

You can copy the summaries. Then, paste them wherever needed to quickly capture and share this information.

Automated Scores

For each conversation, we automatically generate CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) and CES (Customer Effort) scores, so you can easily identify how satisfied the customers were after an interaction without having to survey them afterwards. These scores will be available in your filters, the Impact and Score tabs, and the conversation metadata.

Conversation References

If you want to see the supporting conversation from the chat/ transcript, so you can check how the summary was generated, click on `Show details & Conversation` then `Full conversation`.

There are a few options that you could take from here:

  1. Click to highlight references on the summary that link to the relevant parts of the original conversation.
  2. Copy the summary by clicking the copy button.
  3. Rate the quality of the summary by clicking the thumbs up or down button.
  4. Click on the theme to highlight references on the summary that link to the relevant parts of the original conversation.
  5. Toggle between the full conversation and references only.
  6. Click on the conversation lens to navigate through the conversation thread.

Highlighting References

You can click on the conversation bubble icon on the summary to highlight the references there related to the original conversation on the right. While these are highlighted, you can also see which theme/s these are mapped to.

Copying Summaries

For all of these summaries, you can click on 'Copy to clipboard' to copy the text. Then, paste it wherever needed to quickly capture and share this information.

Rating Summaries

If you want to provide feedback about the quality of the summary to help audit and monitor it for inaccuracies, just click the thumbs up or down buttons.

Highlighting Themes

You can click on the themes to see the segment/s on the summary and references to the original conversation the theme/s relates to.

Full Conversation vs References

By default, we show the `Full Conversation` thread. However, if you don't want to see the full conversation and only want to see the comments related to the summary quickly, you can switch to `References`.

Conversation Lens

You can use the conversation lens on the right to quickly navigate through the conversation and see where a reference is within that conversation.