Export Assistant

The export assistant feature allows you to generate a table of data by setting filters to select specific themes and choosing metrics like Volume, Impact, Score, and Sentiment across a time period or segment. You can then easily preview the data, and download for further analysis or sharing on reports.

To begin, simply click on the download icon in the Analysis view. Then select Download table data

This will open up the preview box, where you can define the criteria needed for your download.

On the left hand side, under Filter, you can select from your filters, which could include date, score, location, or specific themes of interest.

Under Rows, you can also choose from variables including themes, score, date and location. Unlike filters, Rows will collate all the variables combined applied across columns including count and volume.

In this example, we can see Score breakdown across count and volume of responses

If we select Themes, we can look at the same variables, but also include Impact and Score metrics

After selecting all column variables, simply click on Update to view results.

You can also group your data by date or non-date segments like NPS or device.

Once you are happy will your defined criteria, simply click on Download to download the data as a csv file.